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Yayın 27Sayısı
3 | Doktora2010-2014Purdue University Gıda Bilim |
İngilizce | 2021 2021 Elektronik Yabancı Dil Sınavı (e-YDS 2021/13) Sonuçları | e-YDS | 88,75000 |
Kitap Bilgisi Bulunamadı |
1 | Hakemli Uluslararası | DEMİR HANDE, AYDEMİR LEVENT YURDAER, ÖZEL MUHAMMED ŞEFİK, Koca Esra, ŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇ Application of plant‐based proteins for fortification of oat yogurt storage stability and bioactivity Wiley SCI-Expanded | |
2 | Hakemli Uluslararası | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, SÜFER ÖZGE Olive pomace from olive oil processing as partial flour substitute in breadsticks: Bioactive, textural, sensorial and nutritional properties Journal of Food Processing and Preservation SCI-Expanded | |
3 | Hakemli Ulusal | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, SÜFER ÖZGE Physical, bioactive and textural properties of oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) fruit from different locations in Turkey Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology TR DİZİN | |
4 | Hakemli Uluslararası | DEMİR HANDE, ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, YILDIRIM GÜLŞAH Effect of oat milk pasteurization type on the characteristics of yogurt LWT-Food Science and Technology SCI-Expanded | |
5 | Hakemli Uluslararası | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, SÜFER ÖZGE Infusion of walnut (Juglans regia L.) shell tea: multi response optimization and antioxidant potential Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants SCI-Expanded | |
6 | Hakemli Ulusal | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, SÜFER ÖZGE Influence of different pretreatments on hot air and microwave-hot air combined drying of white sweet cherry Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology TR DİZİN | |
7 | Hakemli Uluslararası | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, SÜFER ÖZGE Effect of pretreatments on refractance window drying, color kinetics and bioactive properties of white sweet cherries (Prunus avium L. stark gold) Journal of Food Processing and Preservation SCI-Expanded | |
8 | Hakemli Uluslararası | DARICI MERVE, SÜFER ÖZGE, ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ Determination of microwave drying and rehydration kinetics of green peppers with the bioactive and textural properties Journal of Food Process Engineering SCI-Expanded | |
9 | Hakemli Ulusal | GÜNDOĞDU BÜŞRA, SÜFER ÖZGE, ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ Effect of different drying methods on the phenolic extraction from butternut squash pomace GIDA / The Journal of Food TR DİZİN | |
10 | Hakemli Uluslararası | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, EKE BELMA, DEMİR HANDE Characterization of carboxymethyl cellulose-based antimicrobial films incorporated with plant essential oils INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES SCI-Expanded | |
11 | Hakemli Uluslararası | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, EKE BELMA, DEMİR HANDE Characterization of carboxymethyl cellulose-based antimicrobial films incorporated with plant essential oils International Journal of Biological Macromolecules SCI-Expanded | |
12 | Hakemli Uluslararası | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, QUEZADA-CALVILLO ROBERTO, NICHOLS BUFORD L., HAMAKER BRUCE R. Phenolic compounds increase the transcription of mouse intestinal maltase-glucoamylase and sucrase-isomaltase Food & Function SCI-Expanded | |
13 | Hakemli Uluslararası | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, QUEZADA-CALVILLO ROBERTO, FERRUZZI MARIO G., NICHOLS BUFORD L., HAMAKER BRUCE R. Dietary phenolic compounds selectively inhibit the individual subunits of Maltase-Glucoamylase and Sucrase-Isomaltase with the potential of modulating glucose release Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry SCI-Expanded | |
14 | Hakemli Uluslararası | ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ, ŞUMNU GÜLÜM SERVET, ŞAHİN SERPİL Microwave assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from sour cherry pomace Separation Science and Technology SCI-Expanded |
1 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK MERİÇ,SÜFER ÖZGE,yıldırım merveMicrowave Drying Kinetics of Green Sweet and Bell Peppers07.11.2019 |
2 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇ, SÜFER ÖZGE, DEMİR HANDE, EKE BELMA, KOŞAY RABİASourdough bread with pumpkin pomace20.06.2019 |
3 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriROBERTO QUEZADA CALVILLO,ŞİMŞEK MERİÇ,JUAREZ JACQUELIN,NICHOLS BUFORD LProtein synthesis controls the activity of maltase glucoamylase and sucrase isomaltase in non intestinal tissues28.03.2015 |
4 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK MERİÇ,QUEZADA CALVILLO ROBERTO,FERRUZZI MARIO G,NICHOLS BUFORD L,HAMAKER BRUCE RDistinct inhibitory potencies of dietary phenolic compounds for the mucosal alpha glucosidases in the human small intestine28.03.2015 |
5 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇ, SÜFER ÖZGEFunctional food formulated with food industry by-product03.06.2021 |
6 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇApplication of bioactive edible films to food04.01.2022 |
7 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇ, GÖLGE ARZUIce cream production using double emulsion24.12.2021 |
8 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriGölge Arzu, ŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇThe physicochemical and bioactive properties of water-oil-water emulsions prepared with anthocyanin extracts24.12.2021 |
9 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇThe effect of chickpea cooking water (aquafaba) on the physicochemical and textural properties of ice cream25.12.2021 |
10 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇ, QUEZADA-CALVILLO ROBERTO, NICHOLS BUFORD L, HAMAKER BRUCE RDifferent polyphenols have different affinities for C-terminal subunits of maltase-glucoamylase and sucrase-isomaltase for the modulation of glucose release20.04.2013 |
11 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriYILDIRIM MERVE, ŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇ, SÜFER ÖZGEMicrowave drying of green, sweet and bell peppers07.11.2019 |
12 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇ, SÜFER ÖZGE, DEMİR HANDE, EKE BELMA, KOŞAY RABİASourdough bread with pumpkin pomace20.06.2019 |
13 | UluslararasıÖzet bildiriŞİMŞEK ASLANOĞLU MERİÇ, HAMAKER BRUCE R., NICHOLS BUFORD L, QUEZADA-CALVILLO ROBERTOGallic acid modifies the expression of intestinal maltase-glucoamylase mRNA but not enzyme activity20.04.2013 |
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